Saturday, May 16, 2009

busy friday

last night i went to the 17th birthday party of my junior high school friend.
i went there with richie, and cemink.
there i met most of my junior high school friends, including my monkey love, R.
he was so effing cool back then in elementary but somehow he changed

i figure it out later when my grandma, who is her dad's friend, told me that R had a brain surgery
but it's somehow quite amazing how he still got ranks at school

the party was great, the magician was effingly handsome.. love you, wong what.. michael or what.. gosh i can't remember his name

last night i realize few things:
1. if in junior high school she's a bitch, then it would apply the same in senior high school
2. if in junior high school she's not a bitch, she will in senior high school
3. haircut should adjust your face, not vice versa
4. after all, we'll see who is the bestfriend after all =)

oyeah, yesterday i also went to have a 6-hour spa with lassa and naya.
i had chocolate spa and it was amazing


The Black Cat said...

Finally! A comment!

Hmm... The magician's name is Michael Wong. Hahaha~ I still remember him, Amanda!