Sunday, November 22, 2009

July - October 2009

Oh my God, I haven't posted for like, months agooo!! hyaahahahaaa

Okay, here's the review :

June sucks , and so July

Finished my French on August, went to Jogja -- Hawt

September - College! so much fun :D

October - still fun :D


Monday, June 8, 2009

oui, je parle francais! --> the C is wrong.. i know..

hey it's been like ages since i post my blog.. life's been busy :)
today is the first day of my francais cours hehehe...

it was SO MUCH FUN..
the professeur is really really funny
the classmate are also crazy.. hihi

there's this SUPER cute guy in my class.. ooh soo hot..
teehee.. no more details cause who knows he'll read my post.. hehehe

hmm.. yesterday i went to the church as usual..

two days ago was my day out with richie, it was so fun.. we went to mangga dua square then TA to watch terminator salvation.. here's it :

Terminator Salvation Pictures, Images and Photos

it was nice.. hmm 6 out of 10 for the story line, 9 of 10 for the visual effects.. teehee..
i loathe christian bale.. yuck.. but i do love sam worthington =) WOOOW


hmm for terminator salvation -->

★★and a
heehee sorry for the lame "half-star" ahahaha.. i'm still looking for the half-star symbol.. hehe
hmm i arrived home at 10 pm.. but at that time my uncle and my cousin ask me to go to the cinema to watch drag me to hell..
Drag Me To Hell Pictures, Images and Photos
hmm.. drag me to hell is SHOCKING.. i do like raimi's way to frighten and give the audience the jolted feeling.. but besides that,
it's fucking gross and disgusting
★and a
hmm i'm waiting for transformer II : revenge of the fallen.. can't wait any longer.. hihi
it'll premier on june 24th.. my birthday.. yaaaay!!!

Sunday, May 31, 2009

what a weekend

ok, i miss the internet


it's been a few days since i log in to my blog because several reasons

i browsed my mini warehouse and i found my PS1 and my all time favorite game, suikoden 2

and here am i, not doing anything but playing PS1


today's been busy

my second cousin twice removed is already 40 days old, so my grandma should settle up some rituals or whatsoever thing that is..

back to suikoden 2, there's a unique thing behind the game.. but i'm too lazy now..

just want to update it =)

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

i hate you as big as once i like you, now i like you nothing as i hate you never before

ok i think some of you already know what's on it
if you think i'm having a HUGE fight with my bestfriend, you got it all wrong

i'm not fighting. i just taking a step to protect my dignity
it's a process of life

i've been a fool enough thinking that a person whom i thought was my bestfriend, is actually not a bestfriend
not a friend at all

he doesn't respect me at all, he only realized i was there when he needed me

when he's happy?
i'm no one. i reckon he doesn't even remember i existed

i try to talk with him not to quarelling but to explain why i don't feel like i'm going to be bestfriend with him

but do you know his answer?

this is a copy of little bit part of our conversation :

lu jg maen ma rici molo kn? --> you're playing with richie too, am i right?

g jg minta maaf dlu d klo lu ngrasa gt.. --> i'm sorry first "deh" if you felt like that

mgkn gni x len --> maybe len..
lu lg ada sesuatu gt --> you have something(problem)
y ga s? --> how's that?
sampe buat lu agak sensi ma g --> that made you sensitive and impacting me
jadi perasaan lu kmna' gt? --> and your feeling started to blur everywhere?

biasa len g tmn bae t berjalan aj gt --> for me, usually bestfriend tag along..
ga sampe yg kya status --> no status at all
bukan yg kya pacaran gt len --> different with dating

mgkn itu yg bikin lu srg pisah ma tmn bae lu x --> maybe it's the reason why you separated with your bestfriend a lot
inget ga dlu kn lu deket mas s _______ --> remember when you used to get really close with ____
ma yg laen jg --> and the others
tp jd jauh jg --> but you're tagging far with them
mgkn standart tmn bae lu terlalu tinggi len --> maybe your standard of bestfriend is too high?
mgkn standart yg lu pake t standartr org pacaran? --> maybe the standard you're using is the standard of lovers?
y ga s? --> yeah?

*indonesian version*

tanggapan gue nih ya:

1. kok jadi bawa2 richie sih? apa hubungannya coba? sarab. tapi gue maen ama richie kalo elu butuh gue gue ga pernah tuh ninggalin elu.

2. "gue juga minta maaf dulu DEH kalo elu merasa gitu" haha don't you think "ok-i'm-sorry-if-that-is-what-you-wanted-to-hear-but-uh-i-don't-think-i-made-a-mistake-here" ckck kalo gamaw say sorry yaudah lah

3. ini pertanyaan buat elo pada yah? apakah arlene yang elu kenal itu brain damage(iya gue tau gue autis dan rada2 brenda.. ) tapi intinya gini, apakah arlene yang elu pada kenal itu gak bisa bedain masalah dan mixing up masalah yang satu dengan yang lain? mungkin gak sih gue konfrontasi temen baek gue gara2 masalah gue yang lain (susah BAB misalnya.. ahaha)

4. temen bae emank berjalan gitu aja. tapi soal status, ya iya lah ada status. status temen baek itu. sekarang kalo misalnya elu berantem ama temen baek elu tapi elu ga ngomong terus tiba2 ngomongin dia dibelakang padahal elu belom bilang ke dia? jadi jahat ga lu? masi terikat status temen bae kan? terus kalo elu sebel banget ama temen bae elu padahal elu belom bilang ke dia kalo elu ga anggap dia temen bae elu lagi. salah kan?

5. standar temen bae gue terlalu tinggi? standar yang gue pake universal kali.. "teman baik itu susah senang sama sama" ... terlalu tinggi kalo kayak begini? WTF deh kalo gini..

6. standar orang pacaran? apakah gue kelihatan sebodoh itu? apakah gue tipe cewek pecicilan yang HBL? ngatain gue abis gag sih. ngeho!

7. tapi yang paling bikin gue sakit ati, "mungkin itu kali len yang bikin elu jauh ama semua..."
mojokin gue abis. so far yang gue deklarasi temen bae itu cuma several people. dan gue ga pernah berantem ama mereka. temen maen gue maupun bekas teman maen gue ga pernah tuh gue deklarasiin "sahabat"

sekarang gini yah, coba deh mikir
gue ngomong dengan harapan yaudah lah jadi temen biasa aja
gak usa pake acara temen bae temen bae

sampe gue masih mau perjuangin supaya gag ada apa2..

tapi respon yang gue dapet kayak begini..

gimana gak sebel?
gimana gak keki?

kayak gini sih, jangankan jadi temen .
"kenal aja gue enggak mau"

tapi dibalik itu dia ada baiknya kok.. gue gak akan pernah lupa budi baiknya..
dia pernah jadi temen baik gue yang baik banget..

sebenarnya orangnya baik.. cuma mungkin emank bukan bestfriend material
gue wishing him the best..


kita akan satu kampus nanti
gue harap sih gue akan mature enough buat biasa2 aja..

cuma sekarang emank sih gue lagi panas.. maklum darah muda... heehee

*english translation*

too lazy.. haha later everyone!! syalala~

Monday, May 25, 2009

whatever happens in blog, stays in blog

some people seems doesn't civilized enough
they simply don't know the function of blog

as a private net diary, it is our rights to write what we want to

don't violate our rights

don't write stuffs about the blog outside the blog.

i don't give a damn if you don't like what i wrote

i never took back what i've said

i make my rules make no apologies


Saturday, May 23, 2009

i ain't stupid enough to know the meaning of prom

it's 1.45 am, i haven't sleep 'coz i'm still testing on my new pc games
(love them)

i went to glodok, bought some dvds and pc games

mental note : there isn't VALET service in Glodok.

the parking was effing hard.

ok, so i was waiting for the installer and i'm browsing around to richie's blog when i found his new post about Bali. and so was Jean's

so, here's the deal. at the very beginning when all my chum said that they wanted to have a farewell party. in Bali (previously they said to Singapore and i don't know why they cancelled it. i reckon they are too stingy to pay the fucking fiscal fee -->3F )

and i said back then, "celebrate the promenade here, in Jakarta, and those who wanna go there, may leave later and planned it separately"

they didn't hear me though.
so here we are, 20% of the class stays in Jakarta, most of them reasoning the fee and reasoning their oldies parents.

what i don't get it, is do they really know the meaning of promenade?
google it, chums, please

it supposed to be the last night ever with your class, and when 20% of your class isn't there, it's not a prom

go figure

i didn't go to Bali due to several reasons:

1. my dad said i should visit him (again) and after the bali's registration closed, he delayed it to August (smart, dad!)

2. i'm sick of bali

3. my bestfriend didn't go to bali

4. i know it won't be such a trip

5. and it's true after all


syalalalala~ thank goat i didn't go to bali

it's one of the most wise choice in my life

Saturday, May 16, 2009

busy friday

last night i went to the 17th birthday party of my junior high school friend.
i went there with richie, and cemink.
there i met most of my junior high school friends, including my monkey love, R.
he was so effing cool back then in elementary but somehow he changed

i figure it out later when my grandma, who is her dad's friend, told me that R had a brain surgery
but it's somehow quite amazing how he still got ranks at school

the party was great, the magician was effingly handsome.. love you, wong what.. michael or what.. gosh i can't remember his name

last night i realize few things:
1. if in junior high school she's a bitch, then it would apply the same in senior high school
2. if in junior high school she's not a bitch, she will in senior high school
3. haircut should adjust your face, not vice versa
4. after all, we'll see who is the bestfriend after all =)

oyeah, yesterday i also went to have a 6-hour spa with lassa and naya.
i had chocolate spa and it was amazing

Saturday, May 9, 2009

current obsession : susan boyle

susan boyle Pictures, Images and Photos

contestant of britain's got talent can't stop taking away my breath when i heard her singing

she was weird at first and people started to laugh at him, not forgetting simon cowell, but when she started singing i dreamed a dream - les miserables, everyone seems forgot how to inhale and exhale

her performances was really amazing, she had this gorgeous voice

i can't embed the videos here, but here's the link:

one lesson : no matter how sarcastic you are, never judge a book by it's cover. it'll backfire you.

top 5 hollywood sitcoms of all time

Friends Tv Show Pictures, Images and Photos

i cried loudly as if it was someone's death when this sitcom is finally over

friends has taught me a lot of things with its own unique way and i don't think this quacky but somehow funny and strong relationship does exist

chandler, joey, monica, phoebe, rachel and ross is the best fictional character ever

they sarcasm lines are also very memorable and funny

ugly betty Pictures, Images and Photos

fashion can't never be this fun

my favorite is not betty for sure, 'coz she's too idealistic and such a fugly betsy although in real life i do like America Ferrera

marc and amanda (played by becki newton and michael urie) is what makes this sitcom worth watching. they're very funny and sarcastic but in a stupid way. i do have a friend alias-ing as marc (love you marc) and i'm the amanda!!!! (except i'm way smarter than her)

anyway, i still find eric mabius playing daniel meade is kinda annoying. mabius looked like someone who has just returned from mental hospital due to some serious mental breakdown

Desp Housewives Fire Pictures, Images and Photos

desperate housewives illustrating middle-aged women's life in a very entertaining way without losing it's daily life essential

i like everyone except teri hatcher

she doesn't fit in as susan. go hatch some egg, hatcher


aaaaa!! it's my favorite sitcom since i was little and i have to stay awake until night just to watch this sitcom (no dvds nor internet back then)

my favorite character, of course, niles the butler (brilliantly played by Daniel Davis) and c.c babcock (Lauren Lane)

niles and c.c is probably the most sarcastic character in sitcom history

they are my biggest influence. lalala =)

30 rocks Pictures, Images and Photos

tina fey is my idol
she's smart and funny and 30 rock is one of her masterpiece!

it's very very funny

perez, i support you!


ok, for those of you who don't know the man, you're simply trapped in your own world

it's perez hilton-->

the sexiest yet funniest man alive!

the other lady(by lady i meant tramp)

is the runner up of miss USA

so, i'm not going to explain what happen

google them

i'm giving my opinion

dear perez : i do support you! we have rights to love someone despite of the gender and thus gay marriage is absolutely okay. i heart you soo perez!

dear carrie prejean : you said you were against gay marriage because you have religion and that's how you were raised. mind to telling me what kind of religion or methods your parents use? 'coz as far as i know, there aren't any religion who taught their follower to be a biatch . wow, i should wiki them


idiots definition of literature

Twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

ladies and germs, it's a serious problem here
i just don't get it why people love it so much
it's simply an evidence that these days people are thirsty with romance . *puke*

no offense, really, but only idiots went crazy with this extracheesy stuffs

bella swann is a desperatioo girl with a fetish for vampire

here's what i think about cullen what's his name:

twilight Pictures, Images and Photos

need i say more?

kara vs paula


ok, it's the battle of the bitches

who'd you prefer?

i'm totally kara

idol needs a fresh, fab, young woman and abdul seems so dull

am i right? yesyes

go kara go

abdul : go back to rehab! lilo needs another mate

Friday, May 8, 2009

Over Her Dead Body


it is a light yet funny movie

recently released in Indonesia, even though it's actually a 2008 movies

ironically, it's already on HBO months ago before its release here

idiot market researchers? probably yeah

anyway, it is quite entertaining though i found the role of ashley is a total disaster
lake bell? ouch

she's just wrong

no charm, no talent

total B class

but overall longoria and rudd played brilliantly


i scream for ice cream

Grand Opulence Sundae Pictures, Images and Photos

grand opulence sundae, serendipity 3 restaurant, USD 1000, world's most expensive ice cream

i'm eating my favorite ice cream now, it's effing cheap : only IDR 2500 or 25cents..

it tickles me to write this down because 1000 dollars for a glass of ice cream is simply riddiculous, even though you gain millions of dollars annually

it's not the price, it's the ingredients

there's an edible gold inside the ice cream and that's why it's effing expensive

me myself prefer to wear gold, instead of consuming them

seriously, i think only idiots eat them

fyi, it's paris hilton's favorites. go figure

X-Men Origins: Wolverine

X-Men Origins: Wolverine Pictures, Images and Photos

don't expect me to blur my judgement just because it's hugh jackman

for me, hugh jackman is so not.

anyway, i'm not judging this because hugh jackman starred in, but because this movie was simply fugly.

the only good thing of this movie is daniel henney

and he died

so, nothing good left about this movie


Thursday, May 7, 2009

one of a kind teacher

today is the last day of school, even though i still have 6 exams waiting next week.
i skipped school because the lesson was horrendously boring and i'm smart enough to not letting myself trapped for 9 hours of idiocracy.

some of my friends insisting that i should join them for school today but somewhat i don't find it matters.

woke up at 9 and having rice noodle soup with wonton and sauteed enoki seems not a bad bargain. :)

ok, if you have read this sentences, maybe you'll think " what's the connection between the post and the title?"

here's it:

during this past 2 days, there's a problem involving most of my friends at school.
chinese language make-up tests.

the chinese teacher, let's name her ms. TRASH-ia, is making another problem in the last day of school.
she persisted to held the make-up tests and forcing all of the failed students to take the tests.

i do believe she's smart enough to realized my chums is simply too lazy to do that.
so, facebook is full with chums' stating "shitty teacher" or "shit you, teacher"

no different but somehow the first one is subtler

anyway, my memories' flashbacking as if sophomore years were yesterday

she was a new teacher back then, replacing a chinese teacher named ilana or helena whatever, which is fully guaranteed not telenovely hot.
it's kinda annoying. anyway, that's not the point.

ms.TRASH-ia graduated as an interior designer but ended up in China learning language.
i found that interesting and inspiring, especially to people out there who felt their life was effing useless and keep on searching good ideas to waste their life.

she is the type of hey-i'm-so-innocent-i-don't-know-what-is-fellatio

her way of teaching was very unique in an extremely annoying way.
stereotype of fresh graduates.

betcha 5 years later she'll be the same as other normal-though-still-extremely-annoying teachers.
or otherwise, she'll ended up as an interior designer again, because teaching makes her mentally broke.

i disturb her all the times. i show no respect for her as she show none, too.

she always cried loudly in the teacher rooms and i find it utterly disgusting.

and writing this post about her suddenly makes me feel nauseated.

so, ms. TRASH-ia, you're trash enough and don't let anyone step on you.
quit the job as a teacher, and you can work in a painting company

i can imagine you ensuring people that cosmic latte, beige, champagne, cream and deep ivory are all different colors.

wow, what a "interesting" job!

the birth of sugar-wrapped sarcasm

hey there chums!

i'm humbly admitted that i've been such an idiot for forgetting my password and e-mail for my previous blog.
so here i am, with a new blog, still the old sarcasm

there are several rules here in my blog:

1. i don't effing care about grammar nor any semantics so please pretend you're the same idiotic as me who doesn't understand english

2. i don't do capital letters. i use it occasionally, only to mention people's name if they are respectable enough

3. it is my rights to write whatever i want in my own blog. thus, respect it.

4. however, it is your rights to hate me because i criticize you and you are so snob you can't accept it

5. feel free to give comments as long as they're on tracks

6. happy sarcasming!